Aren’t we all?Aren’t we all like those twinkles? Up over there, hidden all over the day, Being bright beyond human boundaries, Waiting for the right…Aug 12, 2020Aug 12, 2020
Coming HomeTo me, she was, those final steps, the turn around the last bend. The House, with a light lite, food finely made…Waiting for me.Aug 12, 2020Aug 12, 2020
Kya dhoud hai!Ye Kya dhoud hai! Jo ham Roz lagate hai? Utt-the hai, Bait-the hai, Aur phir sojate hai.Oct 30, 2019Oct 30, 2019
Draco , The flying Lizards.While wandering in the woods of Bhadra Tiger Reserve we got to see a nature’s wonderful creature “The Draco”. It was a late in the…Mar 15, 2018Mar 15, 2018
Drive to places.Let’s drive to those places, Which make us dream, Keeping our eyes wide open, Clipping one on its peak.Jan 29, 2018Jan 29, 2018
Fell in love with art, The aura of an artist.Believing the things, Breaking the boundaries, Which bothered me before. Bits of you became my world, Not falling for every bit of you…Oct 21, 2017Oct 21, 2017
An unusual worm : Land planarian (Hammerhead Worm)Date : 07.07.2017 Place : CoorgJul 14, 2017Jul 14, 2017